Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Zach joins Unc once again to talk about what challenges the two face coming into the last months of their stay at rehab, the pressures of dealing with court battles, what it feels like re adjusting back into society and the thought process of loosing a loved one while in early recovery. Also, Tim & Dr. Cali Estes come on to talk about their best selling book "I Married a Junkie," the specific tools she practices for her recovering clients and the importance of diet & exercise when targeting specific dug addictions. More information about Dr. Cali Estes can be found at caliestes.com/ and to inquire about the services she offers please check out theaddictionscoach.com/
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Unc returns from a 2 week vacation from podcasting to record solo, celebrate his birthday and tell the tale of his first experience with overdosing to the point of getting hit with Narcan. This war story is a long one and involves mouth to mouth resuscitation from an ex GF's new transgender love partner, $500 dollars worth of drugs flushed down the toilet, projectile vomit from shard shots, cocaine psychosis while riding on uber & lyft, trap house treasure maps, digging through trash cans and fractured ribs from a drug DUI car wreck (all in one war story). Unc reflects on where his life was then and how it has affected him today in the current situation he is in; living in a rehab with almost 9 months of clean time. Unc also updates everyone on what's been going on in his life and the challenges he has had to face dealing with loss of friends due to relapse and overdose. This is an extremely dark, sometimes funny & brutal story throughout that precisely details the kinds of depravity and debauchery a needle user can face during their time out on the town as well as the risks & dangers involved when injecting multiple foreign substances into ones veins.
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Unc opens up on deeper issues, battling his demons, the overdose deaths of friends, loved ones who have gone missing & how he is handling his upcoming responsibilities. He also tells his war story of the time he DJ'd a house party on pain pills, magic mushrooms, weed & alcohol while a fellow party patron was getting into a bar brawl / having his ear sliced off with a broken bottle. Amongst all of that special guest John Gillen, founder of Ocean Recovery Centre & author of bestselling book "The Secret Disease of Addiction," comes on the podcast to discuss his battle overcoming alcoholism and the unique methods in which his facilities instill beneficial techniques that provide recovering addicts / alcoholics with a better chance of success upon their return into society. Anyone inquiring more information regarding John Gillen can find his website at oceanrecoverycentre.com to learn more about John's story, his treatment facilities and his very informative book on addiction.
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Happy Holidays from all of us in the Squadron dear brethren & cestren. In this Christmas episode Unc updates everyone on his life and the transitions he's moving onto, regarding rehab, getting pissed on by dogs, mistaking clorox disinfectant wipes as baby wipes and shares his Christmas story about the time he got arrested and missed his dose of methadone. We also track down Ryan the missing Co-Host and have him come on to explain what caused his latest relapse, what transpired afterwards, his heroin hallucinations and shooting up grape soda made him realize that he needed to get clean. This ended up being a very heart felt episode of Nod Squad as Brian & Ryan haven't spoken to each other for months now; Brian has been locked away in rehab while Ryan has been running amuck trying to maintain and survive out in the real world between relapses. The two both share stories of what its like being sober and watching one another relapse and how it affected each other. We hope that this episode is entertaining yet thought provoking and that you all had a safe and happy Holidays.
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
In part 2 of this two part episode, Michael takes over more to tell his story that quickly degraded into slippery slopes of substance abuse. He tells tales of disputes with family and friends which resulted in roaming the streets, hanging out with complete strangers under bridges to get loaded and relapsing in the 8 other rehabs he's resided in before coming to the inpatient he currently lives in. Gary also chimes in to talk about the time he and his friends took Bath Salts in jail resulting in multiple bu-bops, his successful robbing escapades and escapes from being shot at by his victims. Both Gary and Michael have lived incredibly chaotic lives yet have come out stronger, sharper and more motivated to do right this time around. These two are full fledged members of the squadron for life and will be on Nod Squad time and time again to update our brethren on their progress throughout their journey of recovery.
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Unc pulls aside two of his closest brothers in rehab (Gary & Michael) to cover a lot of ground in this 2 part episode of Nod Squad. Both Gary & Michael start by sharing their road trip story of surviving Mike's day pass to visit his kid and the thought process that took place in order for them both to resist the temptation to relapse and go on the run. Gary then goes into incredible detail of exactly how his life spiraled out of control after he was medically discharged from the military. What started out as fun and partying quickly transitioned into running jobs for high profile gang members, slanging drugs, and violence. Towards the end of his last run Gary was a shell of his former self, robbing people to survive, homeless, dirty and disgusting as you will hear him describe. This is a truly hilarious at the same time horrific episode of Nod Squad with a twist of inspiring hope for anyone who's ever felt lacking thereof.
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
This is a very special episode of Nod Squad in which Unc has special guest Matt Kahl on the podcast to talk about his participation & contribution to the award winning documentary film "From Shock to Awe." Matt served in the 101st Airborne Division from 2007-2011. During his time in the military & deployment to Afghanistan, Matt witnessed so much that it changed him in ways most of us could never possibly fathom. Upon his return home Matt was thrown into an extremely dangerous combination of prescription drugs which included opioid pain killers, benzodiazepines & SSRI's by his doctors in attempts to treat the physical, mental & emotional trauma's that deployment had left him. Desperately seeking for a way out Matt fortunately found a Spiritual Retreat Center that used Ayahuasca therapy. Over the coarse of a weekend Matt had undergone 4 ceremonies, taking the powerful psychedelic and experiencing such a powerful experience that after it was done he was left feeling relief from the anxiety, rage and agony that his experiences with deployment had left buried within himself. Matt's story is incredibly heartwarming & inspiring; one that we have all been touched by. "From Shock to Awe," is available to stream on through Amazon, iTunes, Google Play & Vimeo. For more information about the film please check out fromshocktoawe.com
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Fellow rehab resident Low Louis meets up with Unc within the rehab facility to tell the Brethren why he might be leaving rehab, his situation with regaining custody of his children, and how he played chicken with a moving freight train and lost. Louis gets into some real experience, strength and hope on this one; detailing his slow yet long progression with drug use, his family upbringing and the constant battle of getting locked up, released and on a sick run again and again. It really gets deep and dark on this one as Louis expresses sincere remorse for the mistakes he made while raising his children while also attempting to maintain his addiction. Also, one of the darkest war stories of all time is told at the end which will make the hairs stand on the back of your neck in this chilling episode of Nod Squad.
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Unc's side bunkie David pays a visit to Nod Squad studios with his fellow running partner Garret to talk about how they got into the business of hustling within the Central Coast, the insanity of adventures that ensued, how they both landed in San Diego and the slew of convictions that followed. Unc, David & Garret all share where they were during that fateful time that Crazy Casey took ungodly amounts of LSD, broke into a German Auto Shop, stole a car and drove it through the garage door, hitting a crowd of people at the SLO town farmers market. Garret and David both share their thoughts on what the steps and recovery has been like for them and why the drug game is a short lived one.
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Unc gets a visit from his old time Prop 36 comrade and first time sponsor Daniel who briefly details his past reasoning behind moving back to Ventura to relapse, how he broke away from his old life and the ways in which he has maintained his current 2 plus years of sobriety. He also explains what it has been like working at an inpatient facility and how it contrasts to maintaining a sober living home. Unc delves into how horrible of a sponse he was when Daniel took him under his wing. The two also swap war stories of being trapped in a methadone maintenance program but the creme de la creme is definitely Daniel's story of being chased by meat vendors for boosting a bag of carne asada.