Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Unc sneaks next door from sober living into inpatient to check in on his brethren who are stuck in lockdown. Gary & Mike return with comrade Trey who makes his first appearance and the four chop it up about exactly where their heads are at during this global crisis and how it has affected their recovery. Unc details the vast differences during his transition from inpatient to sober living and the challenges he has faced during the adjusting period. It has been a difficult time for everyone out there; and to prepare for the real world in the current state of affairs its in while at the same time leaving the safety bubble nest egg that is rehab can be overwhelming at times. Witnessing old friends struggling with sobriety, balancing boundaries without enabling, helping others while staying safe are just a few of the many tasks at hand for all of us. This isn't the average episode of Nod Squad but one that all four of us needed to process and get off our chest because we feel that many of you out there are experiencing the same kinds of hurdles as well.
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Apologies for the loosely slapped together episode. Unc & Zach update their current situation of how their rehab is under quarantine, their early enforced move into sober living and the chaos that has ensued since the recent worldwide pandemic that has tragically swept over humanity. Both Unc & Zach briefly detail where their emotional / mental state is at during this crisis while trying to maintain sobriety and keep their recovery foundation firm. Zach reveals a little too much into his Grindr escapades, Gary makes a sneak appearance and Unc plays an older recording from the vaults where Unc & Zach exchange their car crash excursions while under the influence of various substances. Hope you are all doing the best you can during everything that is going on in the world today and we love you all.
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Unc comes on for a solo session to celebrate the birthday of his fallen best friend Donny who died in 2016. He tells a series of shorter war stories about the absolutely insane apartment complex the two grew up partying in and all the nefarious characters that roamed that 7th realm of hell. Stabbings, escaped jail convicts, headless skeletons, cross dressers, biker gang beatdowns, robberies, and crack cooking are just some of the topics told in these tales. Unc reveals his remorse for how he handled the death of his brother and best friend and the emotional state reliving his experiences leave him in this chaotic and sad episode.
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
The amazing Slender comes back on with Unc and the two reminisce their Death Metal bands, debate on stigmas against marijuana maintenance within fellowships as well as questioning the pitfalls of their own flawed perceptions of their own addiction defects. The two also share of the joyous experience of what it feels like when getting released from jail, turning down heroin for once in their lives, and police harassment. Unc shares a tale about a hidden razor blade in an inmates ass while Slender tells the story of Big Scante and his erratic shotgun pointing behaviors.
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
In part 2, Gary returns with Unc in attempts to tell the high speed police pursuit stories they both originally intended on revealing. These are the kinds of scenarios that don't get aired on shows like cops, mainly because they involve both escaping without being detained. Gary also talks about getting jacked by his junkie comrades and his evil plot to seek revenge oh his oppressors; getting arrested and dope sick multiple times in the process. Oh and the two also discuss the joys of boofing as well.
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
In part 1 of this two part episode; Gary from rehab returns to swap shoplifting stories with Unc. Most of these five finger excursions involve running from police or getting caught by said police. Unc shares the time his cars gas pedal was stuck down while trying to drive to the methadone clinic and crashes into another vehicle. Zach bursts in mid way to take center stage and distract us with our good friend Tim who comes on for the very first time and talks about the time he did so much heroin that he was constipated for weeks and had to get charcoal shoved up his butt via tubes and shit everywhere in the Emergency Room. In Part 2 Gary and Unc will get into their high speed pursuits with law enforcement and committing robberies to keep their past dope habit alive.
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Unc celebrates his first paycheck in years, his 10 month chip and the 1 year anniversary since his last brutal overdose; telling the entire tale in full and what it feels like to be at his "rock bottom" at the time. Getting punched in the face to be brought back to life, getting staff infections on his face, letting down loved ones and compulsively lying in attempts to keep his past heroin train on the tracks. Scruffy Jones also rejoins us to tell his meth induced psychosis, decapitated talking head hallucination story and the two reminisce their drug court memories as well as talk about where their lives are at now. This is a dark depressing episode at times but it also is a detailed glimpse into the misery one faces when struggling to keep a run going as long as possible.
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Unc digs deep through the vaults to uncover the very first recording ever made of Nod Squad that was never released until now. Featuring our illustrious co-host Ryan, this recording dates years back during a time where both Unc & Ryan were fresh in the drug court program. Both share their arrest stories that led the two to meeting for the first time in jail with all the strung out scenarios that occurred therein. Unc also tells the tale of that fateful day when himself and Ryan both brainstormed the idea of Nod Squad. High speed pursuits, boofing heroin, crying in cop cars, toxic relationships and check fraud are all included in these classic war stories that are sure our brethren & cestren will get a kick out of in this historic episode of Nod Squad.
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Unc’s rehab mentor little bear comes on the podcast to rehash all the insane depravity that led him to transfer from the farm in SLO county jail into inpatient; which include tying up the plug in a Meth Xanax blackout, breaking his back at the riverbed while on a beat down mission, kicking down public restroom doors straight into police during a nod and dodging an undercover sting operation with kung fu precision. Little Bear also dives into how dark his last drug run was after relapsing on goofballs in rehab and getting kicked out as well as the epiphany that guided him to return to inpatient. Little Bear has a story that is so very relatable to anyone who's attempted to manage a hardcore drug addiction out on the streets only to quickly find out how easily it spills into familiar chaos. At the same time however his turn around into success is one of inspiration for those who feel hopeless with battling their own personal demons.
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Be Casper is a stand up comedian, psychedelic soldier and host of one of the most addictive podcasts in existence called "That Time I Got Arrested." Her top shelf storytelling details some of the most radically extreme situations a human being could experience ranging from childhood trauma to toxic abusive relationships and of course the many times she has been arrested. Be Caspers exposure to the horrible flaws within the many institutions she has resided within has left her with a profound perspective on exactly how broken our system is when regarding the means in which we handle convicts yet through her trials & tribulations she remains positive, upbeat and loving through it all. It was such a fun and pleasant time having her on and anyone listening to Nod Squad will absolutely fall in love with her podcast which is available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and anywhere podcasts are available. Also be sure to check out Be Caspers FB & IG page as well. Oh, and Unc tells the story about how he contracted gonorrhea from an ex gf, got arrested for a dirty kratom drug test and dodged a mace seeded five man jail brawl.