Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Finishing the wrap up of high school tales, Unc is finally back (the lazy fuck) to story tell the party that led to $30,000 in total damages, Fecal Matter in the Jacuzzi left by Crack Baby Carl, A dismantled underground wine cellar, plus the enormous amount of broken glass/holes in walls.
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
What was High School like for you? For me it was many things, all involving vomit stains, pelvic pains, scabbed knees, probation fees, wu-tang killer bees, stems with seeds; but mostly a crippling stumble down a misguided path in search for self discovery. In that search I accidentally set a enormous fire behind Walmart after drinking Wild Turkey for the first time with my friend's and end up hiding from multiple cop cars in a bush.
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Greetings Brethren, Unc returns after a few weeks break to return and deviate away from the last few injections episodes to tell a tale more alcohol induced. Bo Ball Baggins details what it was like working for the Constervation Corps, living on a Military Base for boot camp, and hip thrusting away from order afterwards. Dodging DUI's, piecing together blackouts and sneaking through high security perimeters all ensue in this new episodes return.
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Lately we've been continually kicking up old recordings that were once lost in the vault. This episode is no different other than the fact that we buried this recording with the intention of never recovering it. This one dates back years ago during a time Unc was in a dark relapse and using; Kirk comes on via shitty cell phone to catch up and shoot shit concerning his journey after moving out of California to Las Vegas. No other details will be revealed other than the stories are a non stop high speed chase of needles, violence and sorrow. Kirk provides a major glimpse at what the world looks like through the eyes of someone lost with the only direction visible is directly towards using to stay well. Apologies for the triggers, cringe and tragic topics within. Listen at your own risk.
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
In our most recent excavation, deep in the depths of Unc's hard drive, we uncover a time capsule of old vault recordings. This is the third recording ever made for Nod Squad with Ryan & Brian; who talks about the struggles of getting clean and witnessing the loved ones around him still suffering. Witnessing his newly ex gf show up at his front doorstep dopesick and in a mean psychosis, shooting meth yet still nodding out, and stranded his driveway. Unc also recalls swallowing dope to avoid arrest then to fishhook in the toilet in an attempt to puke up enough dope to inject. This was a very unique and special time, almost lost in the midst of files scattered on the most unorganized Hard Drive ever.
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Today we rejoice, socially distant of course, in celebration of Unc's glorious day birthed on today's episode of Nod Squad. Unc himself crawls out of his crawl space to reminisce an era of his life which all encompass overall themes of the dark & tragic experiences that one will always encounter eventually when over indulging on copious amounts of substances. most of these stories contain scenes that we are too uncomfortable to detail in even this description itself. These are the things that one tries not to think about experiencing during times that neglecting reality itself becomes utterly impossible. Traumatic events which occur especially when only the innocent consumption of drugs are the main objective. Hopefully the recording will draw you in instead of the vague description we provide today. Please wish Unc a Happy Birthday and if possible please leave a iTunes review as a B-Day present for this old timer before he has to get hip replacement surgery.
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas brethren, we hope your holiday season brings as much happiness humanly possible during these turbulent times. Unc comes back to talk tales involving ripping off drug dealers, the repercussions that always emerges after, psycho mike makes a quick appearance shooting herb in the face, james getting beat up holding an unloaded gun, stealing dope from dealers to get well and the infamous mighty mighty whitey.
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Unc gives an update on where he's been in life; opening up about loved ones recently lost as well as health issues within his family. A few tales are told including a boosting almost gone bad situation, surviving a heavy psychosis, racing high on speedballs and his walkway, shooting up under a bridge story. This isn't the usual episode of Nod Squad but we hope you understand. We at Nod Squad hope you all have a safe and happy holidays.
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Unc finally wraps up the final installment of this three part episode detailing what the actual fuck has been happening to him recently. The final tale involves massive surgery, loosing organs, waking up on fentanyl and his journey through detoxing. Its a tale with blood filled colostomy bags, blood filled mid line IV's, and bloody toilets with as many hospital narcotics that one is allowed to take in a Hospital confinement on this ending episode of Nod Squad.
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
It's been too long brethren, Unc returns after a long hiatus to details part 2 of what's been happening to him. Unc talks about the struggle of turning down pain pills at the hospital, waking up in the Intensive Care Unit and of course his most embarrassing shit stories. Our apologies for the long absence, it's been a trying year so we hope you are all taking care out there. Nod Squad has a Spotify playlist for anyone interested btw: link can be found below: Nod Squad - Music to Overdose To